18 Tips to Consider Before Embarking on Your Next Travel Experience

Tips to consider before your next travel experience. For an easy smooth-journey and how to mitigate those travel blues on your return.

Travelling can be an enriching and life-changing experience. To ensure your trip is enjoyable and hassle-free, it’s essential to follow some unwritten rules of travel. This cornerstone article will guide you through these rules, helping you make the most of your adventures.

Leave Your Home Clean

close up of vacuum cleaner before travelling

Before embarking on your journey, it is important to ensure that your home is clean and tidy, as this will not only help to make your return more pleasant but also ensure that your home stays free of dirt, dust, and other allergens that can accumulate while you are away. This is a top travel tip for those who lose their holiday high as soon as you return.

You may want to consider hiring a house cleaner to give your home a thorough cleaning before you leave, or you can do it yourself. In addition to cleaning, you may also want to take some time to organise your belongings and pack your luggage. This will ensure that you have everything you need for your trip and that your home is in order when you return.

There is nothing that will snap you back to reality after travelling then returning to a messy home.

Unpack for Longer Stays

woman unpacking a suitcase with hats, clothes, sunglasses and headphones

When you’re staying in one place for an extended period of time, it can be helpful to take a few extra steps to make your living space more comfortable and organised. One simple way to do this is by unpacking your bags. Not only does this make it easier to access your belongings, but it also creates more space in your room and can help you feel more settled in. A travel tip is to do it on the first morning or evening, not only does this allow you to familiarise with your new home for the trip but also may highlight anything you may have missed on your packing list.

To make the unpacking process even smoother, consider using packing cubes. These handy organisers can help you keep your clothes sorted and make it easier to find what you need without having to dig through your entire suitcase. Plus, they can help protect your clothes from wrinkles and damage. Hanging up any garments that may be used for special occasions when abroad also add a layer of luxury to any stay.

While you’re unpacking, be sure to remove any essentials like laptops and chargers from your suitcase as well. This not only helps keep your living space tidy but also ensures that these important items are easily accessible when you need them. With these tips in mind, you can create a more comfortable and organised living space no matter where you’re staying.

Pack Light but Smart

When packing for a trip, it’s important to think about what you’ll need while you’re away. One thing to keep in mind is that you’ll want to pack as light as possible to make your travel experience more enjoyable. However, this doesn’t mean that you should forget about the essentials. For example, it’s always a good idea to pack extra socks and underwear, just in case. Additionally, depending on your destination and the activities you have planned, you may need to bring other items such as sunscreen, insect repellent, or comfortable shoes for walking. It’s also a good idea to bring a reusable water bottle and a small first aid kit. By packing thoughtfully and considering your needs, you can ensure that you have a comfortable and stress-free trip.

Choose Debit Cards with No Bank Fees

debit card with no fees paying with contactless is an unwritten rule of travel

One way to avoid giving banks free money is to use a debit card that does not charge any bank fees. By doing so, you can keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. In addition, it may be helpful to move your travel budget to this card so that you can easily monitor your expenses and avoid overspending. However, it is important to have a backup debit or credit card in case of emergencies, so that you do not find yourself in a difficult situation while traveling.

Download Maps and Mark Destinations

closeup of phone with google maps open

A tech travel tip to make the most of your travels, it’s important to plan ahead and prepare accordingly. One way to do this is by saving maps of your destination to your phone for easy access. Not only can you mark places you want to visit, but you can also use Google Maps offline feature to navigate without using data or Wi-Fi. Some destinations may not get the data coverage you need so it is best to ensure you understand your surroundings before your adventure.

Another useful tool is downloading a language pack for Google Translate, which can help you communicate with locals and understand signs and menus in a foreign language. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to explore your destination with ease and confidence.

Ditch the Money Belt

A handy travel trip when traveling is it is important to keep your valuables safe, but using a money belt might not be the best way to do it. While money belts can be useful for storing your cash and cards, they can also make you look like a tourist and attract unwanted attention from scammers or pickpockets. To avoid this, it’s better to opt for a more discreet way of carrying your valuables. You can use a hidden pocket in your bag or clothing, or invest in a theft-proof backpack or purse that is designed to keep your belongings safe. By choosing a more subtle way to carry your valuables, you can enjoy your travels with peace of mind and avoid becoming a target for scams.

Keep Digital Copies of Important Documents

woman holding passports and map in hand

It’s important to store digital copies of important documents such as passports, insurance documents, and other essential paperwork on your phone and email. This ensures that you have access to these documents in case of loss or theft. Additionally, if you’re traveling with a partner, it’s recommended that both of you have copies of each other’s documents. This provides an added layer of security and ensures that you have a backup in case of emergency. It’s also a good idea to keep physical copies of these documents in a secure location, such as a hotel safe or hidden pocket in your bag.

Learn Basic Local Phrases

To better navigate your travels, it’s helpful to familiarise yourself with some essential phrases in the local language. Knowing basic phrases such as “hello,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” “where’s the bathroom,” and “do you speak English?” can make communication with locals easier and more respectful. You can keep a note of these phrases on your phone or use Google Translate to help with pronunciation. Additionally, learning a few phrases beyond the basics, such as “please” and “sorry,” can further enhance your interactions with locals and show that you respect their culture and language.

Embrace Familiar Brands

Don’t hesitate to visit familiar establishments like McDonald’s or Starbucks when traveling. These places can offer a comfortable and safe environment to rest, recharge your devices, and use the restroom. Some locations may even offer free Wi-Fi, making them a great option for catching up on emails, researching your itinerary, or connecting with loved ones back home. Additionally, these establishments can be a great way to experience the local culture, as they often offer unique menu items or variations not found in your home country.

Even though this may be a controversial travel tip, there is nothing wrong with going back to the familiar in particular if you are feeling overwhelmed with all the new experiences.

Navigate Airport Security Efficiently

When going through airport security, it’s a good idea to stand behind business travellers, as they usually pack light and know the drill. However, keep in mind that families with children may take longer to get through security.

If you do find yourself behind a family, consider showing some empathy and patience by letting them go ahead of you. After all, travelling with kids can be a struggle, and a little kindness can go a long way in making their journey smoother.

Visit Historical Sites During Off-Peak Hours

Did you know that visiting popular attractions during off-peak times, such as lunchtime, early morning, or late evening, can help you avoid crowds? This lesser-known tip is a great way to enjoy your favorite attractions without the hassle and frustration of waiting in long lines or battling crowds.

Dine at Fancy Restaurants for Lunch

You can enjoy the experience of fine dining by visiting upscale restaurants during lunchtime. Many restaurants offer a different menu or specials during lunch, giving you a chance to sample their cuisine and ambience. Lunch can be a more relaxed and less formal dining experience, which may appeal to some travellers. Consider making a reservation to ensure availability and to fully enjoy the experience.

Often the lunch menu tends to be more affordable which makes this a top travel tip.

Explore Your Immediate Surroundings Upon Arrival

Upon your arrival at your accommodation, it’s recommended that you take a stroll around the local area before settling in. This will help you get familiar with the surroundings, including nearby grocery stores, cafes, and restaurants. You can also take note of any landmarks or interesting places you come across, which you can explore later during your stay. This step can help you feel more comfortable and confident navigating the area during your trip.

Keep Emergency Cash on Hand

To prepare for emergencies, it’s always a good idea to carry some cash with you when travelling. In some situations, credit cards may not be accepted, or ATMs may be hard to find. Carrying around $200 USD in cash can provide a safety net in case of unexpected situations. It’s also a good idea to keep the cash in a secure location, such as a hidden pocket in your bag to avoid theft or loss. If you are travelling with others, it is also good to divvy up some petty cash between everyone to ensure safety if anyone gets lost.

Additionally, it’s important to research the currency of your destination and exchange some money before departing to ensure you have enough local currency for your immediate needs upon arrival.

Don’t Over Plan Your Trip

Another great travel tip is not to overplan. One way to truly experience life is to allow your days to unfold naturally. It’s important to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and simply enjoy the present moment. One way to achieve this is by choosing one or two activities per day and leaving the rest to happen organically. Perhaps you can start your day with a leisurely breakfast and coffee at a local cafe, followed by a stroll through a nearby park or nature reserve.

You might then take a break for lunch, trying out a new restaurant or food truck that you come across. In the afternoon, you could explore a museum or art gallery, or simply relax with a good book. The key is to allow yourself to be open to new experiences and to let your days unfold naturally. By doing so, you’ll find that you’re able to truly appreciate the beauty of life, and you’ll feel more content and fulfilled as a result.

Document Your Experiences

Take a moment to reflect on your journey and capture the essence of each experience. Write down your thoughts, sights, and feelings in a journal or notebook to preserve the memories and emotions of your trip. These written words will transport you back to those moments and allow you to relive the joy and wonder of your travels for years to come.

Capture Moments with People

A favourite travel tip is to take many photos. Whether touristy or artistic capture the memories of your trip by taking photos with your travel companions and new friends. These snapshots will serve as a beautiful reminder of the unique experiences and deep connections you make along the way. Looking back on these photographs will bring back the emotions and joy you felt during your travels and remind you of the special bond you formed with those you met on your journey.

Pre-Book Activities for Better Deals and Convenience

Whenever possible, it is highly recommended that you book activities in advance, which a travel tip to live by. By doing so, you not only secure better pricing and discounts, but you also have the added benefit of reserving your spot and bypassing queues. Moreover, pre-booking your activities ensures that you don’t miss out on popular attractions during your trip, which can be a considerable disappointment. By taking the time to plan ahead, you can avoid the stress of finding last-minute activities and instead enjoy your vacation to the fullest, with the peace of mind that comes from knowing that all of your desired activities are already taken care of.

Prioritise Sun Protection

It is important to note that taking care of your skin should be an essential part of your daily routine, especially when you are travelling. Unless of course, you want to look like a lobster with dry, irritated skin, and wrinkles that make you look like a raisin. So, slap on some sunscreen and embrace the protection. Your future self will thank you! 😉

From keeping your home clean and organised before you leave, to unpacking and settling in for longer stays, to packing smart and light, each step contributes to a more enjoyable trip. Whilst also helping you return with a home that will feel fresh, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Picture of Hi, we're Sid & Leeli

Hi, we're Sid & Leeli

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